Kids’ Club

Story time with Jen at First 5 Forever Crop out the girl on the left and save this back into drive

Story time with Jen at First 5 Forever Crop out the girl on the left and save this back into drive

Brooke Bignell

The postpartum period of child rearing can be the craziest time of your life. Amidst the ‘to-do lists’ and schedules, new parents may feel a little lost, unheard and perhaps friendless.

The Cooloola Coast is very lucky to have some amazing programs running in the community for children under five. Programs that, although focus on a child’s development and social skills, really nurture parents and caregivers too.

Some parents think you need a walking, talking child to attend these groups, but you don’t! It will benefit both adult and child to attend from birth to school aged.

Playgroup is a great place to start. Little Guppies Playgroup runs every Tuesday, starting at 9.30am on the corner of Bream St and Emperor St, Tin Can Bay. In Rainbow Beach, Sarah Brantz runs a Playgroup Queensland program and a Pre-Prep program at Rainbow Beach State School every Thursday of the school term, 9-11am.

Both groups are an informal and inclusive catch up, with tea, coffee and bickies provided, mums and dads can chat to other adults, while the little babes crawl over each other to organised play stations, and the bigger kids can exert their energy with an array of outdoor equipment, or seasonal arts and crafts. Gold coin donation is appreciated.

Kasey-Cruze shows off his artwork

Kasey-Cruze shows off his artwork

Contact Sarah at Rainbow Beach State School, 54869333 or Carmen at Little Guppies Playgroup, 0487876559 for more information. For membership information, visit

First 5 Forever is a free program, running every Monday at the Rainbow Beach Library, 10am-11am and every Thursday at the Tin Can Bay Library, 9.30-10.30am (except for public holidays).

First 5 Forever focuses on what growing brains need. Talking, playing, reading and singing to your baby all play a huge part in their communication, reading and writing skills when they’re older.

These sessions include songs and nursery rhymes, story time, craft time and bickies for the kids. Tea, coffee and a friendly face provided. For more information, pop into either library or visit

Head Coach, BJ Parton, at Rainbow Beach Aquatic Centre runs weekly Mums and Bubs and Learn to Swim classes. Being comfortable in the water from a young age assists your child in having a healthy attitude to exercise, while learning vital and lifelong skills. Pop into the Aquatic Centre or give BJ a call 54863191 (#3) to have a chat about lessons.

Ollie and Sofia love craft time

Ollie and Sofia love craft time

Don’t forget to utilise our natural environment. The Cooloola Coast is lucky to have refurbished parks and playgrounds that are suitable for children of all ages. Pop a picnic blanket and some lunch in the pram, call a friend and head down to the beach or park for a play.

Remember to treat yourself with love and kindness. Although rewarding, being a parent can be exhausting. Your mental health and general wellbeing is so important to your family’s happiness. Sometimes a simple visit to one of these groups is all it takes to feel human again!

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