Dragons in training for first regatta

Sport Dragon BoatersGwyneth Moore

The Cooloola Dragon Boat Club is very committed and competitive in our sport but we also pride ourselves in being active socially.

To this end, a climb of Mt Cooroora event was organised and ten members attended this team-building activity. Three completed the climb to the top while the others enjoyed a hike around the base of the mountain.

Another activity, camping and hiking the Carnarvon Gorge has been organised for October.

Dragon Boaters are also keen kayakers. To this end, the TCB Yacht Club was approached, to make available an area for fencing and installing a kayak rack to house members’ own kayaks. This was approved and has been installed.

Now back to our core business/sport! Training continues Thursday afternoons and Sunday mornings in preparation for the first regatta of the Wide Bay Series at 1770 on May 29.

Don’t forget the weekend of June 26-27 when it will be our turn to host the Wide Bay Series here in Tin Can Bay.

For more information on the Cooloola Dragon Boat Club please phone Coach Sandy Wooster, mobile 0402352756.

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