Australia Day was quite a day!

Australia Day at the Bay - TCB Yacht Club Patron Robyn Creighton presents the Olive Dish Trophy to Yacht Club Commodore Doug Watson

TCB Yacht Club Patron Robyn Creighton presents the Olive Dish Trophy to Yacht Club Commodore Doug Watson

The 12th annual Interclub Challenge for the perpetual Olive Dish Trophy was hotly contested between the Yacht Club, Sailability and the Cooloola Dragonboat Club.

The event was held on Australia Day and organised by Sailability, as the honour to host is rotated between the three clubs.

Everyone attending was encouraged to dress up in Australia Day-themed clothes. The day started at 8am with breakfast, lots of fun novelty games and activities including sailing, dragon boat time trials, blow-up rubber thong li-lo relay, beach boules and thong throwing.

The day ended with a BYO BBQ lunch and poetry recitals.

All events are scored and the club with the most points wins the Olive Dish Trophy. It’s a fun day, open to members and friends of all three clubs.

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