Discover Sailing at Tin Can Bay Yacht Club

imageTin Can Bay Yacht Club aims to encourage recreational sailing in the sheltered waters of Tin Can Bay Inlet through learn to sail courses and the club’s racing program.

On Saturday 25th October, TCBYC will be hosting a “Try Sailing Day” at the club, offering a sailing experience for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. You can “try sailing” in one of our club dinghies, a member’s trailer-sailer or, for the not so active, one of Sailability’s Access dinghies. The sailing kicks off at 10.00am and The club bar and Dolphins on the Bay café will be open on the day, providing coffee, morning tea and lunch. For more information, contact Jon Jones on 5486 4014.

Also on Saturday October 25th, we’ll be holding a Buy, Swap and Sell Boaties’ Market. If you are looking for boat bits or have unwanted boating items to sell, contact John Axtell on 0418 577 847 to book a stall site ($10.00) and turn your trash into treasure.

Following the Try Sailing Day, TCBYC will be holding a “Learn to Sail” course over 8 Saturdays, commencing on 1st November. The course is open to non-club members aged 8 to 80 years old with appropriate fitness levels. Cost is $100.00 per person (discount applies for Club members).

Sailability Tin Can Bay is a not for profit Association which provides Sailing experiences for disabled persons using specially designed Access 303 dinghies. Sailability operates each Friday morning from 9.00am. For more information, visit the Sailability website at

For more information about Tin Can Bay Yacht Club, visit the club on the web at


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