A day for rural women

 Irene Manwaring and Debbie Vines selling QCWA raffle tickets

Irene Manwaring and Debbie Vines

The QCWA Tin Can Bay Branch is holding a Morning Tea on Wednesday, October 12, to celebrate International Rural Women’s Day, at 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.

It’s all about the role of women in the community.

Two interesting and informative Guest Speakers on the day will be Julie Anderson, Volunteer Coordinator for the Rural Fire Brigade, and Auxiliary Captain Qld Fire Rescue, Desley Goldworthy.

Julie and Desley will be speaking about their respective positions and also about safety in our homes, which is very appropriate, with the new legislation for home fire alarms coming into effect on the same day.

The morning tea provided is open to all, and entry is by gold coin donation. You are more than welcome to bring a friend, husband and/or neighbour.

Pictured out and about are Irene Manwaring and Debbie Vines selling raffle tickets – QCWA meet the first Wednesday of the month at 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.

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