‘Party Animal’ Over 60s at the Surf Club

On the left: Sheena Baird, Pat Nayler, Del Nayler and right: Barbara Gammon, Don Pastor, Graham Wiggly, Pam Russell and Dorothy Pascoe
Another year is coming to an end and what a challenging year it has been. Hopefully, 2021 will be a safer year for everyone, with the dreaded Covid heading for the hills.
We finished off our year with 31 at our morning tea meeting and then followed by a lovely Christmas Lunch, at the Rainbow Beach Surf Club. We had past members, Theresa and Vaughn Skulthorp travelling from Hervey Bay to join us for some Christmas cheer.
On behalf of Rainbow Beach Over 60s Club a safe and Happy Christmas and a wonderful new year.
Please phone Dorothy on 54862357 for information about their friendly group.