Welcome to Rainbow Beach, Douglas family

Welcome to the new Officer in Charge of the Rainbow Beach Ambulance Station Shane Douglas and all the best and thanks to Clinton Borger
Members of the Local Ambulance Committee (LAC) held a morning tea to welcome Shane Douglas, who is taking over as the Officer in Charge at the Rainbow Beach Ambulance Station.
Shane and his family have moved to the Cooloola Coast from Hughenden, where he was stationed for three years, with a posting in Townsville prior to that. We are looking forward to working with Shane in his new role.
The committee also said farewell to Clinton Borger who has been acting in the OIC position for several months pending Shane’s appointment. The LAC is very grateful to Clinton for the support and knowledge he has provided during his time here and we wish him every success for the future.
With the hot weather still persisting, please take advantage of the Heat Stress flyers which the LAC has distributed to some retail outlets, as well as both libraries in Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach. The flyers are free and offer some helpful hints on how to prevent heat-related illness for seniors, babies and children in particular.
And just a reminder that bingo sessions are held every Thursday from 9.30am at the Tin Can Bay Country Club. All proceeds go towards supporting the local ambulance service, so please come along for a fun morning.
Cheryl Zunic, Treasurer, josephandcheryl@bigpond.com