YAP fosters musical diversity

YAP sponsored three aspiring musicians, Lily Rose, Anjelica and Max to attend the Cooloola Community Orchestra
In a new initiative to inspire local youth who are interested in music, the Youth Advocate Program (YAP) sponsored entry fees for three aspiring musicians to attend the Cooloola Community Orchestra.
Lily Rose, Anjelica and Max enjoyed an afternoon of classical greats with a couple of modern numbers all played live. Max was especially eager to hear In the Hall of the Mountain King as he’d performed the exact same piece at the Cooloola’s Got Talent showcase! Anjelica said “she could feel the energy from the music right through her body” and left wanting more!
Next time the orchestra is in town YAP will be offering more free tickets to youth who would like to experience live classical music, so register your interest quick as there are limited places, call/text Jess Milne on 0411 218 254.