It’s Holiday Fun time again for schoolkids!
The Spring school holidays are nearly upon us but don’t worry, Gympie Regional Council can once again help you to keep your kids busy!
Activities will kick off at 6.30pm on Friday 16 September with the ever popular Blue Light Disco for 8-14 year olds. This supervised event is open to all abilities and will be held at the Gympie Civic Centre. There is a $10 entry fee.
This is followed on Saturday 17 with an all-ages showing of The Good Dinosaur at the free Movies in the Park event at 6.30pm in the grounds of Goomeri State School. Bring your chair or picnic rug and sit back and relax – snacks will be available for purchase or BYO dinner.
Ten Pin Bowling is happening on Tuesday 20 September for 6-17 year olds, at the Gympie Bowling Alley (children under 12 must be supervised by an adult). This is a free event but spaces are limited so book early.
If bowling isn’t your thing then why not try your hand at tie dying, giant jenga or giant snakes and ladders, or have a jump on the giant jumping castle. The free under-17 Inflatable Madness events will take place at various locations and on different dates during the second week of the holidays. No bookings are required, just bring a sense of fun, but places on the tie dye workshop are limited to 60. Adult supervision is required at these events.
For the creative kids in your family why not check out Gympie Regional Gallery’s list of holiday workshops? The theme this holiday is koalas, taking inspiration from the current exhibition Koala Land, on view at the Gallery from September 6-29. Create your own koala from clay or make a drawing or painting to celebrate our iconic animal.
Other workshops include Super-Lightning Heroes (use lightning for inspiration for a superhero), and Super You (draw a comedy version of yourself 500 years in the future), Miniature Gardens and Animal Puppets. There is a small cost for all workshops, with Friends of the Gallery members entitled to a discount.
Just in case all of the above isn’t enough, Gympie Regional Libraries will be hosting a series of free fun and creative events. Tina the Face Painter will be back again and will be delighting kids with amazing creations, free of charge, at the Gympie library on Wednesdays 21 and 28 September – no bookings required.
Kids can learn about how to recycle everyday household items into masks, mobiles and more at the Upcycle workshop. This one-hour event will take place at each regional library between September 20 and 28 – no bookings required.
If your kids are into LEGO™, then bring them along to the Gympie, Kilkivan or Goomeri library (various dates) for a LEGO™ Competition. This fun filled 45 minute race against the clock to construct an amazing creation is open to kids of all ages – just bring your own LEGO™.
Lastly, the Library’s First 5 Forever Storytime will be taking place right across the holidays, at all library locations, and is open to all ages – come along and listen to some favourite stories and get involved in activities and craft. This event runs throughout the year.
For more information about all of the events taking place these school holidays , check out the Holiday Fun website at, or call council on 1300 307 800. Bookings are required for some events, so please check the website and register now.