What a month for the Rainbow Beach School!

And the Maths Champions are Jonah Stanieg, Mackenzie Stanieg, Max Klekar, Wylie Youngman and Ava Stanieg
Principal Dan Stanieg
We have had a wonderful two weeks at Rainbow Beach State School.
They just keep coming. Last Friday, our Mathematics Team participated in the Gympie District Maths Challenge. The competition included a teams’ challenge, where the five students worked collaboratively on 20 questions in the most efficient way, and a relay challenge where they worked in pairs to obtain the answer.
These dedicated students were able to place second in the teams’ challenge and first in the relay challenge, placing them as the Champion Team.
To my knowledge, this is the first time that Rainbow Beach State School has won this competition. Congratulations to Max, Ava, Jonah, Wylie and Meckenzie.
Rainbow Beach State School would like to thank Mick at Rainbow Beach Tyre and Mechanical for his donation to these students for their future education. Mick will be more careful about what he promises next time.
Variety Bash
If you missed the Variety Bash at school you missed one of the events and spectacles of the decade.
There were around 350 people from all walks of life with their amazing cars packed on the oval. It was great entertainment but the thing that resonated with me is that all these people are on this adventure to raise money for disadvantaged children and families.
Our submission for the grant was based on engaging all our students in our great school. Variety Bash presented the school with a laser cutter and engraver valued at $5500 which included program and materials.
It was a great community event and I would like to thank all the parents and citizens who helped prepare and serve breakfast and clean up after everyone had gone. It was a very busy morning!
Thank you for your continued support.
Student Council News
The school held its annual handball competition last month. It was a great success, and was enjoyed by all the students that entered. There were awesome raffles and amazing music. The winners for the separate divisions were Ava Stanieg, Max Klekar, Delilah Young and Murphy Lunney. The referees and student volunteers were outstanding and made it a memorable experience.
We would like to thank our student leaders for helping to organise the competition and all the businesses that supported our school during the comp. Our appreciation goes out to Crème de la Crème, Epic Ocean Adventures, RB Beach Traders, Sports Power Gympie and Brent’s Burgers.
Last and not least, we would like to thank the handball master, Mr Mileson! He organised yet another successful handball event and it wouldn’t have happened without him.