State School Archive

Tin Can Bay P-10 State School August 2023: Skipping At Tin Can Bay P-10 State School, skipping during lunch breaks

RB School P&C News July 2023: Over the recent weeks many students have been participating in an Auskick

Tin Can Bay P-10 State School News July 2023: UniSC Excursion On Wednesday 7 June, the Year 10 class embarked on

Rainbow Beach School P&C News June 2023: We hope that all mothers, grandmothers, and carers had a wonderful Mother’s

Tin Can Bay P-10 State School June 2023: Hands on Learning HoL (Hands on Learning) has kicked off again this year.

Rainbow Beach School P&C News May 2023: It’s amazing to think we are in Term 2 already, but rest

Tin Can Bay P-10 School – April 2023: Year 10 Humanities and Social Sciences Camp The Year 10 HaSS class

Sweet Sounds of Tin Can Bay School Choir: Our school choir has been very busy this term. They have performed

Camp Time for Rainbow School Kids: The sun shone, so 26 students and 6 adults packed overnight bags

Year 3/4 Camp to Barambah Environmental Education Centre: At the start of October the year threes and fours set off