Weeding our Wetlands
Activity at Cooloola Cove creeks is making a remarkable difference to biodiversity, drainage and general natural aesthetics to these sites.
TS1, TS2 and TS3 are the code names for three Trial Sites for land management of drainage lines at Cooloola Cove. They are recognised along Investigator Avenue by flood height markers on the side of the road and description as above.
Initially, low dosage glyphosate is used to kill off setaria sphacelata (South African pigeon grass), which has invaded much of our wetlands.
Although this may appear destructive following the initial targeted spray, months later we have observed a bounce back of native ferns, grasses, sedges and a myriad of wallum plant species.
This is followed up by manual removal of opportunistic weeds in and along the creek lines.
These community working bees offer a hands-on opportunity to become involved and learn about your wondrous wetlands! Thursdays throughout May (not on May 12), 8am-10am, with morning tea included – see page 42 or find out more: admin@cooloolacoastcare.org.au or 0417 554 905