Rainbow Beach – Library Happenings – April 2017

Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm,

Saturday 9am – 12noon, 5486 3705. Visit us at: www.gympie.qld.gov.au/library

Techno Thursday classes at your library – Library eResources

Be part of the technology revolution and join one of our Techno Thursday classes. During April, learn how to connect with family and friends on Facebook and Instagram.

Techno Thursday classes will be held at all libraries, with a session at the Tin Can Bay Library on April 20, 2-4pm, phone 5486 4355 to book your spot.

The session at Rainbow Beach Library is on April 20, 10am-12noon -phone 5486 3705 to book your spot. Bookings are essential.

Art Workshops at Rainbow Beach Library

Join us every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for art workshops by Jenny! Jenny will cover various types of art – from sketching with charcoals to painting with watercolours and acrylics – morning tea provided.

Victoria: the Queen By Julia Baird 941.081 VICT Victoria: the Queen
By Julia Baird
941.081 VICT

“They say never choose a book by its cover.” I chose this book because of the author. Julia Baird was the first presenter on the ABC TV Current Affairs programme “The Drum”. This is her first book; I hope it isn’t her last.

Queen Victoria came to the throne as a teenager, married Albert, a German “princeling’, had nine children, and was a widow for 40 years. These are the bare facts of an extremely complicated, efficient and clever woman at a time when legally women were chattels of their husband; expected to keep house and keep quiet.

Julia Baird writes succinctly and is very readable. She obviously has a great sympathy and understanding of her subject.

This isn’t just the story of a queen, it is the story of a woman who married her first love who helped her become a queen and a force in the land.

In addition to her journalistic qualifications, Julia Baird has a PHD in history and was a fellow at a J.F. Kennedy school at Harvard. At present she is ill with recurring cancer. Like Queen Victoria, Julia Baird is quite a woman.

Rae Webb

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