Volunteer on the Cooloola Coast

volunteers feb 16 (1)The year is young, it is a perfect time to volunteer. Not sure what to do? Here’s a selection for you to consider…


Sailabilty TCB, providing sailing experiences for people with disabilities operates in Tin Can Bay on a Friday morning at about 0900 to 1300. Volunteers are always required contact Paul Oliver 0427 995 512, or see the TCBYC web site for link.


The Lions Club of Tin Can Bay has been servicing the Cooloola Coast since 1979. We require more members to help us support our community with our projects. Our Club meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at Cathy House, Tin Can Bay at 6.30pm. Please contact Phillip Davey on 5486 2613.

Cooloola Coastcare

Help make a difference. Participate in water quality monitoring, seagrass monitoring, creek and wetland rehabilitation, dune rehabilitation, foreshore and wallum education. Contact: admin@cooloolacoastcare.org.au, www.cooloolacoastcare.org.au, Ph: 0417 554 905

Girl Guides

The Gympie District Girl Guides is looking at the possibility of running a weekly group at the Tin Can Bay Library and will be needing volunteer leaders. There is a yearly cost involved of $155 plus the purchase of a shirt. If you are interested, application forms will be available at the ‘Come and Try’ afternoon, February 9 at the Tin Can Bay library from 4-5.30pm. You will also need a blue card for working with children which are free of charge for volunteers through the Guides Association. Chappy Ronnie: 0413 135 867.

Kitchen Garden

We also would love to have some more volunteers at the TCB Kitchen Garden and at the RB School Kitchen Garden as Kerry and Dee are no longer in the area. If anyone would like to help out by supervising groups of students in the garden on Thursdays or Fridays, Chappy Ronnie: 0413 135 867 or ronniet@chappy.org.au

Youth Drop in Centre

Do you have some expertise to pass on to young people at the drop-in centre in Cooloola Cove? Meet Saturdays 5pm-8pm. Call Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867.

Cooloola Coast Medical Transport Inc

Drivers, office staff, fundraisers and car cleaners …. CCMT is run solely by volunteers and we rely heavily on new volunteers coming forward to ensure this vital service remains operational. Sometimes we need to find six drivers, five days a week. Call between 8.30am and 12.30 pm, Monday to Friday on 5486 2488 or email office@ccmt.org.au.


We are looking for men and women with exceptional ability to care for the safety of Australian mariners and recreational boaties. We provide all the training you need to get the job done.

We need regular members for: Rescue boat crew, Marine radio operators, Education, Administration, Maintenance, Fund raising, Public relations. Ph: 5486 4290.


Parents and Citizens meet monthly to represent the school community and provide feedback on school policy and activities. P&Cs fundraise for excursions and school resources.Both schools are seeking volunteers to help in their tuckshops or brekky club. Contact the schools for more details, or attend the next meeting!

Rainbow Beach Community Information and Resource Centre

Can you spare just three hours a day to man the centre? We are looking for support from interested community members who would enjoy volunteer work. Ph: 54863355


The tasks are up to you as well – if you don’t like heights, no one is going to make you climb a ladder. You’ll be valued for whatever you can contribute. Anyone 16 or over is welcome. Rainbow Beach: first and last Thursday of each month, at 7pm, Mark Lawler: 0427 033 160. Tin Can Bay: Wednesday nights from 6pm, 5486 4604.

Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends Inc

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month and membership is $15 per household. We have an enthusiastic group that takes part in all matters concerning Cooloola Cove from planting, weeding, water quality monitoring, looking after our young people and more. Call 5488 0644 or 5686 2754 to find out more.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES)

You must be at least 16 years old and have the physical and mental fitness to undertake volunteer firefighting. You should also be available for volunteer firefighter training and operations in the local area.

Rainbow Beach: 25 Rainbow Beach Road. Meetings are on Tuesday nights at 7pm.

Tin Can Bay: Fire Station, Lot 1, Snapper Creek Road. Call 5486 4918.

Tin Can Bay Resource & Referral Centre

If you have a few hours a week to spare and enjoy being with other people, come in and see what we have to offer you as a volunteer. We provide services such as computer lessons, computer use, secondhand book sales and free legal appointments. Why not drop in and see the friendly staff or call 5488 0035?

Tin Can Bay Men’s Shed

Come and have a yarn and a cuppa – the shed is at the Tin Can Bay School. Members are able to work on meaningful projects at their own pace, in their own time and in the company of others. A key focus is to advance the wellbeing and health of shed members and to encourage social inclusion.

Local ambulance committee

act as a voice for their community and provide valuable feedback on ambulance service delivery. If you are interested in being a member of the LAC you must be:

  • Eighteen years or over
  • A permanent resident of the area serviced by the Cooloola Coast ambulance station
  • A permanent resident of Queensland who works in the area serviced by the Cooloola Coast ambulance station

For further information, contact the secretary on 0428 863 161.

Surf lifesaving

Absolutely anyone can join! You could be a coach, official, athlete, fundraiser, supervisor for nippers, committee member, radio operator, trainer and assessor or rescue boat driver. Call the Surf club to find out more.

Country Women’s Association 

Come along as a visitor – you do not have to join immediately – or phone the publicity officer on 5486 2726 The Queensland CWA provides a community service and fundraises for worthy causes – it is not just about baking scones! The group meets in the QCWA meeting room in Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.

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