Tin Can Bay Fishing Club December 2022

Club sponsor and member Chris RIppon with a lure-caught flathead

Club sponsor and member Chris RIppon with a lure-caught flathead

G’day everyone. Club year has ended, and we have a new Executive and new Committee members in place. As such I’d like to thank all those who served last year and those who will take their place for the next 12 months.

By the time that this article is published we will have held our end of year Christmas Party/Annual Fishing Competition Awards.

Here are the details of some deserving winners, in all we had handed out 27 awards on the day.

Ian Nowell – Largest Red Emperor 70cm

Ron Cox – Largest Cod 85cm, Largest Tusk Fish 61cm, Men’s Champion

Marquis Chapman – Men’s Freshwater Champion, Largest Flathead 72cm

Noela Kay – Ladies Champion and Ladies Over the Bar Champion

NB Our club competition is based on fish length with members providing photos of the fish on a brag mat, as a result members have the choice to catch and release or keep their catch.

There have been a few flathead around and mangrove jacks are starting to show up.

Cheers everyone.

Alan Rippon

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