Tin Can Bay Craft Club News

Craft club members Jean Sealy, Sandra Bonell, Linda Brown, Shirley McLean, Thea Beswich, Maree Uhl, Pam Ottaway, and Dawn McGinley
Jan Low
In November our club had sad news with the passing of member Beverly Phillips and past member, Gavin Sauer.
Also, past member Deb Stone, who moved back to Adelaide a few years ago, lost her husband in a tragic car accident. those who knew them felt their loss and the club sent their condolences to the families.
On a happier note, the Christmas party was held on December 7 in the Cooloola Bowls Club where much merriment was had. The organisers decorated the room in an Australiana theme, including wattle and melted snowmen complete with cork stringed hats. Some of which were sold and the proceeds will go to a charity.
In keeping with the theme, those craft members who also belong to the ukulele group played three Australian Christmas songs, with everyone joining in.
The club had a final day on December 14 and will reconvene on Thursday January 11, 2018.
Anyone wishing to check out this friendly group, feel free to come along next year any Thursday from 9am to 12 noon. We can be found opposite the City Farm, at the Cooloola Community Complex on the corner of Tin Can Bay road and the Cooloola Cove turnoff.
Please find photos from our recent Christmas party: enjoying the festivities at the Cooloola Bowls club are (left to right) craft members Jean Sealy, Sandra Bonell, Linda Brown, Shirley McLean, Thea Beswich, Maree Uhl, Pam Ottaway, and Dawn McGinley.