QCWA brings back the HOY

QCWA President Wendy receiving handmade items made by members going to those in need – great work ladies of the QCWA
The ladies at the Country Women’s Association have had a great month and it was good to see craft restart members, familiar faces and new ladies too.
Welcome to Robyn, Jill, Leonie and Mollie – a lady we know well who brings a lot of QCWA knowledge with her and has held many positions with QCWA over the years. Welcome back everyone.
The committee thank all of you in helping maintain and abide by Covid rules during these difficult times.
Both craft mornings were successful. We have started making items for a Christmas stall which will be held at the market in November.
Our trauma teddies are growing in volume by the day and we now have 50 waiting to go to Wishlist, Gympie and Sunshine Coast Pathology and the doctor’s next week, so keep knitting ladies – they are always needed.
We have been overwhelmed by a recent donation of two huge moving boxes of all different coloured wool, better than a candy shop to us ladies.Thank you.
Our current project is Domestic Violence Packs to be distributed next week. They are needed now more than ever in the community especially with the current pandemic situation. Thank you to the local businesses for donations received.
Now the exciting news! We are going to re-commence “HOY” on a trial basis at the Cooloola Coast Bowls Club on the third Wednesday of the month (usual day), so our first HOY will be on October 21. Strict Covid-19 rules apply but it will still be a fun morning, gifts and a raffle.
Please support our fundraiser for the QCWA, it will be great to see you all again and be good for the community.
Craft: October 7 and 14 (Change due to Hoy) 10am -12pm open 9.30am
Craft: November 4 and 11
Hoy: October 21 at Cooloola Coast Bowls Club, 9.30am open “HOY 10am
Dates still to be advised:
Biggest Morning Tea for Cancer Council and Country Kitchen Events.
Cottage bookings and enquiries, cottage convenor Linda 0490 670 518
President for all other enquiries, Wendy 0412 547 043