workshop Archive

Printmaking Collage Workshop with Kate Websdale: The workshop is to encourage fun and exploration using a variety of

Innovative commercial growth: Michael Fox from Fable Food Co, Toni Binstead from the Sunshine Regional

EXERCISE “PACIFIC FIRE”: A Disaster Preparedness exercise was held last month at the Pavilion in

Is your sporting group disaster prepared?: Gympie Regional Council, in conjunction with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services, recently

Disaster Preparedness Workshop for Community Groups – Cooloola Coast: Gympie Regional Council in conjunction with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services are

Rainbow Beach – Library Happenings – February 2017: Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm,

Rainbow Beach is destination Instagram: by Michelle Gilmore After two workshops in the region, Rainbow Beach instagrammers

Get more women and girls into your club: Sporting Shooters Tin Can Bay Branch are hosting a FREE training weekend,

FREE Instagram and social media workshop in Rainbow Beach: by Michelle Gilmore I met the five young social media barons, with