school Archive

Looking forward to establishing the ‘New Normal’: We will have by now been able to welcome ALL of our
A Wonderful Welcome Back!: Nerves and excitement were in equal measure as students in years two-to-ten
Rainbow Beach School Report May 2020: by Steve  We are a couple of weeks into the Learning @
Back to School in Tin Can Bay!: Term 2 has started with a bang at Tin Can Bay P-10
A great first quarter!: Literary Donation  We were presented with yet another very generous donation from
Students have a ball tinkering with toys: Mrs Battaglene (TCB P-4 HaSS teacher)  The Year 2’s at Tin Can
Growing the Knowledge at Tin Can Bay: 2020 has seen the start of a new branch of learning for
How good is Rainbow Beach State School?: Having only recently returned to Rainbow Beach State School, I have had
Education support dog for Tin Can Bay School: In week one the Tin Can Bay school community welcomed Ryder to
Welcoming our new Arts teacher for 2020!: We are excited to introduce Michelle Walker – our new teacher of