A great first quarter!
Literary Donation
We were presented with yet another very generous donation from Sam and Maureen Mitchell from 7th Wave Surf. Sam and Maureen have been long-time supporters of Rainbow Beach State School. Over the years they have made significant and frequent contributions that continue to benefit all children who attend our great little school.
Sam came by with a cheque for $500 to go towards books. We decided this year to use this money to purchase the texts required for our Year 5/6 students to compete in the Readers Cup. Thank you very much Sam and Maureen!
Covid-19 update
At Rainbow Beach State School we receive regular updates from the Education Department which are being shared to our students and parents. The information highlights the rationale for schools remaining open at present and the contribution that the Nation’s approach regarding schools is making to the containment and the management of COVID-19. Of course, as this is an evolving situation, circumstances may change on the progress of the virus.
We have implemented a range of other strategies to reduce transmission, including the promotion of personal hygiene measures (handwashing, reducing face contact, and cough etiquette) and physical distancing.
I encourage you to visit the Queensland Government website regularly to keep up-to-date with the most current information in relation to COVID-19. The website contains specific information to schools and can be viewed at https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19
National Day of Action Against Bullying
The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence was held last month. We recognised and created awareness around this day through classroom activities and forming the words NO WAY on our oval. A big shout out to Madison Betteridge for taking the photo using her drone, thanks Madi!
The theme for this year’s national day of action is “Bullying. No way! Take action together.” This theme builds on the 2019 journey to imagine a world free from bullying, by inviting school communities to turn big ideas into action. Parents, teachers, students or members of the community can help deliver a powerful message that bullying and violence are never okay.
Rainbow Beach State School strives to create positive, predictable environments for all students during the school day. The disciplined and teaching environment that we create is essential to achieving overall school improvement, including the effectiveness and efficiency of student support procedures; raising achievement and attendance; sustaining equality, equity and diversity, and ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of the school community.
Prep/Year 1 News
The Prep and Year 1 children participated in Clean up Australia Day and did an awesome job of collecting a lot of the small pieces of litter around the Prep/1 room and surrounding gardens. Not only were they very willing and enthusiastic, they collected a sizable amount of litter and amazed us by spotting even the smallest pieces of litter. They have also been Earth’s resources, the way we can use and save water as well as different types of soil.
Don’t forget KindyLinq. It is held every Tuesday and Wednesday morning in the Library from 8.30am to 11.30am and it is a free resource so we would love to see you use it.
Students to Unite Under One Flag
The Epicans of Epicania, formerly the students of Grade Two and Three, are soon to stand together under one flag. Now that the group has chosen a truly epic name for their class, students have been busy designing the flag that will fly high above our heads.
The children’s task was to create symbols that represent who we are as a group. Each element of their designs was to have meaning. All students have created a design. Epicans will have time to hear about each design before a popular vote will decide on the flag to represent us for the remainder of the year.
Rainbow Beach State School
Steve Bennett