Rainbow Beach School Report May 2020

Teachers working together Lynne Chamberlain, Janine Lawler, Tina McColl and Peter Mileson preparing online learning
by Steve
We are a couple of weeks into the Learning @ Home and we at Rainbow Beach SS hope this finds you all well!
The staff have been working tirelessly to try and provide a combination of paper-based and online learning material. It has been a challenging time that has seen all of us on a steep learning curve.
We encourage all of our families to do their best at this time and reach out if they need some help. With any luck we will soon have our students returning through our gates and we look forward to getting back to regular routines.
For this issue I thought we would share a number of photographs of our school and our wonderful staff.
We are currently getting the shelters over the playground constructed that will hopefully be completed in the next couple of weeks. This will certainly be a great addition to our grounds. We cannot wait to see the students back enjoying this great space!
Over the last month we have all supported every food and beverage business in town with meal and coffee orders. We will continue to do this a couple of times a week to show our support for businesses within our community. Let’s hope we all make it out the other side!
Till next time, from all of us here at Rainbow Beach State School, take care of yourselves and each other.