birthday Archive

Tin Can Bay’s Sylvia turns 90!!: Sylvia moved to Tin Can Bay about 65 years ago. Sylvia and
Rainbow Beach Saturn Antennas – 20 years: Oops! I missed the January edition with my article on New Year
A quarter of a century for Tin Can Bay Craft Club: Over 60 attended the 25th Birthday celebrations of the Tin Can Bay
Craft Club celebration: The Tin Can Bay Craft Club will be celebrating 25 years from
Walter Dobkins: The Quiet Architect of Rainbow Beach: by Michelle Gilmore Happy 80th birthday Walter! As a surprise, family and
Here’s to you Mrs Robertson: by Barb Rees With the 30th anniversary of the Rainbow Beach State
Ten years owning Ed’s Beach Bakery- Happy Anniversary Rod and Sharon Parker: by Barb Rees The aroma hits you as you get closer. It’s