Ten years owning Ed’s Beach Bakery- Happy Anniversary Rod and Sharon Parker
by Barb Rees
The aroma hits you as you get closer. It’s 5.30am, my tummy is rumbling. The scent is a heady combination of bread and pastries and cakes; it’s hard not to stop and buy something. Just keep walking, just keep walking!
This is what I endure every morning – the torture of walking past Ed’s Beach Bakery!
September 1 marks a very special day in Sharon and Rod Parker’s life.
Why buy a bakery when you have owned an earthmoving business in Brisbane for over 25 years? “It was the only business for sale,” laughs Rod.
“We were so sick of the hustle and bustle and it was getting harder and harder to work and live there,” explains Sharon.
“So we decided to buy up here. We knew from holidaying here every year for the past 30-odd years that the bakery was a good business…so why not?”
It took Rod four years to earn his qualifications. “Baking and getting the recipe right and cooking it at such-and-such a temperature for so long is basic maths, it’s logical – but it wasn’t easy working seven days running the business and studying at the same time. I learnt on the job.”
Rod’s day starts at 9pm and finishes around 7am. “That’s just the baking. Then there is the ordering and picking up supplies. Bloody long days!”
“It was the old sea change thing. The bakery will run itself! We will have plenty of time to fish and relax! That’s what we thought,” laughs Sharon. “I have been to Fraser maybe once in ten years.”
Sharon starts work at the more decent hour of 4am until about 8am, then she is back after lunch to finish up and get the shop ready to do it all again.
“It’s long hard work, but we love it. We love living here, it is a great little spot, even though we don’t get to see much of the place!”
If you have been in to the bakery you would have noticed Little Eddie standing in the corner, his board sprouting words of wisdom. Sharon spotted him in Brisbane, fell in love and brought him home.
“I named him Little Eddie…what else? He gives people a laugh. He even attended the fishing comp one year and posted on facebook every night as ‘Eddie’s Fishing Adventures’. That was fun.”
Ed’s Beach Bakery is a major sponsor of the Rainbow Beach Fishing Classic – sponsoring the Reef Fish category. “Rod usually takes the week off and goes fishing. Being sponsors we have to be there every night to give out the prizes. It does get a bit exhausting working as well, but you just do it.”
I know from personal experience Sharon and Rod have always been great financial supporters of any local fundraising events or community groups, they just quietly lend a hand and get on with it. I will no doubt be in trouble for mentioning it!
Even though it was hard to get used to the change of lifestyle and the laid back attitude of Rainbow Beach, they wouldn’t move back to Brisbane for quids.
“The only thing I miss about Brisbane is my kids and my grandkids. No way are we going back. If we ever leave here it will be to move further north!” laughs Sharon.
How about another ten years at the bakery?
“Not bloody likely” was Rods reaction.
Congratulations on ten wonderful years. I know locals and visitors alike love what you do…..even if you do make my morning walk just that little bit harder.