Register Now For The 2023 Mother’s Day Classic

Register Now For The 2023 Mother’s Day ClassicStamping out breast cancer one step at a time!

Did you know that in the last 10 years, rates of breast cancer diagnoses have increased by 33% and this year, it is expected that 9 Australians will die from breast cancer each day? However, since 1994, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer has increased from 76% to 92%.

The Women in Super Mother’s Day Classic is Australia’s largest fun run and walk for breast cancer research. Since the event’s inception in 1998, the Mother’s Day Classic community has donated $41.45 million to the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to fund life-saving breast cancer research.

The MDC supports the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s goal of zero deaths from breast cancer and everyone who participates in the Mother’s Day Classic is helping to fund essential research that will improve the lives of anyone touched by breast cancer.

If you want to take part in this national cause to step all over breast cancer then make sure you join the Tin Can Bay Mother’s Day Classic on Sunday 14 May. Online registrations are now open so take advantage of the early bird specials until the 13 April with Adults $30, Concession $23 and Child $16. Go to and join the Tin Can Bay walk/run under Local Events.

Get your family and friends involved to be part of this fabulous cause and start getting your pink outfits together now! For more information or assistance with registering contact host Jess Milne on 0411 218 254 or email

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