Mother Nature Keeps Things Interesting For Our Sailors

TCBYC’s next event will be the Flying Fifteen state titles being held this month

TCBYC’s next event will be the Flying Fifteen state titles being held this month

The sailing season kicked off with a shake down sail or rather sails with short sprint races. Racing officer Bob and his crew kept the fleet on their toes and with them in toe straps with 9 races in succession and only 3 minute starts (usually 5 minutes).

The fleet now geared up and raring to go for the first races of the season were, not for the first time this year, thwarted of their Sunday sail by Mother Nature who threw 25 knots of wind and more from the south east. At least the fathers could enjoy a relaxing Father’s Day rather than battling the elements.

By the next race day Mother Nature was being very kind and the fleet enjoyed a beautiful sunny day with about 10 knots of north easterly winds. Perfect!

The next event at the Yacht Club will be the Flying Fifteen state titles in October, so here’s hoping for good weather.

The cruising fleet enjoyed a trip in August to Watumba and all points in between. Another cruise is scheduled for October.

Anyone is welcome to come and try sailing on a Wednesday afternoon and Saturdays when weather and tide permit. Please contact Russell 0405 063 894 or Kay 0447 631 479.

Kay Muir

Tin Can Bay Yacht Club

The Tin Can Bay Yacht Club will celebrate Melbourne Cup Day on Tuesday 1 November at the Tin Can Bay Yacht Clubhouse.

There will be our own horse and hobby horse races for small prizes starting at 11am.

The buffet meal ($30 per person)  will be around midday or 12:30 before watching the RACE on the Club screens. You will have had the chance to lay your bets on your arrival!

Dress for the occasion! A fashion parade is part of the day!

Bookings with the Club are important—Club phone:-  54864308

All welcome. Please come and join us.

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