Heart Foundation Walkers are walking themselves happy!

Joan Barnier, Judy Kiddle, Maggie Travers, and Barbara McKenzie singing "Our Wheelies up in front!" at the Cuppa in Cooloola

Joan Barnier, Judy Kiddle, Maggie Travers, and Barbara McKenzie singing “Our Wheelies up in front!” at the Cuppa in Cooloola

Maggie Travers

“We love to go a-wandering along Cooloola paths, And as we go, we love to sing, our wheelies up in front!”  Four of us sang Judy Kiddle’s lyrics as the opener to our Q&A presentation.

Thanks to the Cooloola Cove Residents & Friends Inc invitation to speak at their November Cuppa in Cooloola, the “Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers” gained another member, besides enjoying ourselves most enthusiastically.  As another attendee asked several pertinent questions, we hope she will join us soon.

Judy Kiddle and Barbara McKenzie rolled their wheelie walkers (rollators) up front for our presentation with Joan Barnier and myself. Joan is one of two original members still currently walking with the “One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay” walking group.

With the hotter weather now, the CC Wheelie Walkers have decided to meet half an hour earlier, i.e. 8am in December, at the bus shelter on Nautilus Drive outside the Cooloola Cove Shopping Centre, Mondays and Fridays.

Already, Walk Organiser Judy K is more than halfway to receiving her first award for 25 walks.

Congratulations to Melissa and Jack in the Tin Can Bay walking group, for reaching your 50 walks goal and award.  As Dixie is walking in both groups her 100 Walks certificate, voucher and commemorative pin is in the mail. Well done!

Both groups plan to continue walking during the festive season, weather permitting, but not on Christmas Day!

The early Tin Can Bay group leaves the TCB Bakery at 6am; the later group meets by 6.30am, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Happy Christmas greetings to you and your families.  Walk Yourself Happy!

Queries? Contact Judy Kiddle 5486 2181, Maggie Travers 0400 756 615.

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