Ten new members have joined the Men’s Shed

Holding the sign are Brian Linfield and Jamie Barnes from the Tin Can Bay Men’s Shed; they are delighted to have the Just Sheds team on site
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There was an influx of new blokes for the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed meeting last month.
Held on October 7, it was a milestone for the group – the first held in the hard won new shed, and a large number of people attended.
Back when the Shed was located at the school, Brian Linfield said they had a big list of members – and that the loss of the venue was very frustrating.
But now it is good news. The group are thrilled with the work of Just Sheds in creating their huge new build (pictured) and thank Mayor Mick Curran, Cr Mark McDonald and Minister Nash for their assistance.
“It has so much potential. When the craft day is on, men can walk over to the Shed. As well as a work area, there is a communal room to play pool, darts and have a cup of coffee.”
The next meeting will be held in the shed at 10am on Saturday, November 4, 2017. New members from across the coast are always welcome to come and look at our large shed.
“All we need now to have our final inspection from Council is to have our down pipes and run-off carried away from the building, “Our plumber is meeting with the council plumbing section for connection of sewerage and water supply.
Morning tea will be provided. The Men’s Shed is at the corner of Bayside Rd and Tin Can Bay Road, next to City Farm Nursery, opposite the Community Centre. Contact Brian: 5486 2835.