A quest for Michaela
Michaela Harries is Tin Can Bay’s first Lions and Lionesses Medical Research Personality Quest entrant. Living with her family in Cooloola Cove, Michaela keeps busy studying Community Services and working for Optus in Gympie, but when Lions’ President, Phillip Daveys invited her to participate, Michaela said ‘yes in a heart beat’.
At the tender age of nineteen, Michaela has the belief that ‘every single one of us will benefit from medical research at some time, either directly, or through the experiences of family and friends.
“Whether it be a sister that has a premature little baby in the hospital, or a grandparent with cancer, medical research is making it possible to look for treatments and cures for all sorts of medical conditions,” she explained.
“I personally was in the Royal Women’s hospital only 6 months ago where I underwent spinal surgery to repair a damaged disc in my spine, as I had grown up with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since the age of 10, and over time, my spine had weakened from years of inflammation.
“And I firmly believe that if it hadn’t been for the researchers and the technology that has come from medical research, I wouldn’t have had the chance to live a pain free life, which I now do.
Michaela sees her quest as a chance to give something back and help people, who, like herself, may benefit from medical research. She is planning movie fundraisers, bus trips, raffles, high teas and even a ball!
“We’re also looking at holding a summer fair here in Tin Can Bay with stalls, pony rides, an open air concert and hot-rod cars.”
Preliminary finals are in May next year, followed by the grand final in June, so look out for Michaela’s events and put Tin Can Bay in the lead for the Lions Medical Research Foundation.