What’s on the Cooloola Coast for Under 5’s
This is a question we see a lot at the Community News. If you have a group on the Cooloola Coast that can help lighten the load for mums, dads and caregivers with a regular network or group, please let us know.
First Five Forever Storytime is at now 10.30am on Mondays at Rainbow Beach Library, combining all ages under 5 and their parents/caregiver at Rainbow Beach Library. This is an interactive program with a focus on fun. Bookings are essential: 5486 3705
Tuesdays and Wednesdays
KindyLinQ is an early learning program for three- and four-year-old children who attend with a parent/caregiver.
Rainbow Beach is one of the fortunate schools across Queensland to host KindyLinQ – it’s on every Tuesday and Wednesday during school terms, from 9am to 11am.
The free sessions are for parents/care-givers to attend with their child and engage in play activities together.
It is not compulsory, you attend when you like, and aims to support children’s learning, development and engagement prior to starting school.
Please bring a hat, water bottle and mid-morning snack.
If you have any questions please contact Rainbow Beach State School on 5486 9333 or drop in and say hello.
Rainbow Beach Playgroup is a friendly group of littlies, mothers, fathers, grandparents and carers who welcome everyone to play, laugh, read and sing.
In your child’s early years, playgroup is an ideal introduction to learning through play and it’s a great opportunity for you to meet other parents, socialise and make friends with like-minded people.
Playgroup provides a relaxed introduction to the school, allowing the children to feel comfortable and familiar with the environment.
Rainbow Beach playgroup meet from 8.30am until about 10.30am on Thursdays at the Rainbow Beach State School library. For more information, call the school office on 5486 9333.
First 5 Forever Storytime at Tin Can Bay Library is on 9.30 to 10am every Thursday. The group loves to catch up outdoors – and provides a relaxed atmosphere with a focus on fun for children up to five years of age and their caregivers. Bookings are essential: 5486 4355
What about Tin Can Bay Playgroup?
Tin Can Bay has a wonderful playgroup building on the corner of Bream and Emperor Streets.
For years, the group has met on Tuesday mornings, with a $2 per visit – at the moment they are closed until a Playgroup Coordinator volunteers.
As parents help pack it up and clean up afterwards, and there are no formal or prepared activities, this role simply involves opening and closing the building, plus greeting parents.
This fun, casual-based playgroup has a great fenced outdoor area, and play equipment, too. Parents can connect with others and children can play safely.
It would be wonderful to see it open again – please contact Playgroup Queensland on 1800 171 882 to find out more, or visit: playgroupqld.com.au