Ultimate Steam Festival
The free Official Rush Festival Opening boasts a family fun day, filled with live music, entertainment and activities for all to enjoy, 9am – 5pm, October 3rd to 5th.
Held at the Gympie Gold Mining Museum, the event features a wide range of entertainment including live performances from Lee ‘T Bone’ Turner, Linc Phelps, Allstar fish AKA The Fabulous Flying Fish Brothers, and street theatre acts.
It also features a large display of market stalls, food vendors, kids entertainment and so much more.
During the festival you can also witness the re-commissioning of the remains of the original stamper battery powered by the portable Paxman boiler; demonstrations of the Walker winding engine and Thompson compressor powered by the Cornish Boiler; operation of steam pumps and generator Brown Boveri steam engine, and Australian made horizontal engine both powered by the Galion Vertical Boiler.
Model steam engines powered by a Carmicheal boiler, hot air engines, and a miniature railway will also be operating.