Treasurer needed!

CIRS Treasurer Helen Brown helps out at the charity morning tea last month – and hopes that you may be able to help her?
Volunteer extraordinaire, Helen Brown has put out an SOS.
“We want someone to do bookkeeping for the Community Information and Resource Centre”- better known as CIRS.
They are the group in Rainbow Beach who organise hire of the hall, meeting room and office. The centre has photocopying, faxing, computer and internet services and helps people in need find the right agencies for assistance, like the employment service and Justice of the Peace.
The team support the Rainbow Beach State School Brekky Club, Nipper Carnival and lots of other fundraisers – you can see more photos on page 28 from their very successful Cancer Fundraiser Morning Tea!
We all wanted the hall – now Helen asks that people step up and do something!
Says Helen, “You simply need to keep books up-to-date for the hall. There’s only about three payments a month, and I’m happy to teach someone MYOB.”
You do the books at your leisure, come to a meeting every couple of months, you don’t have to do a shift at the community centre.
What is Helen going to do? Retire, she says! “We’re tired. We need new blood – it is good for an organisation to have a different treasurer every few years.
“We need new members for input too- you don’t have to man the desk. We meet during the day, but we’re happy to change.”
The centre is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-12.30pm or find them on:
But please, call Helen on 0402 384 437 if you can assist.