Rainbow’s Four Tough Mudders

Michelle Gilmore

These four Mums join six other fit Rainbow individuals to compete in the worldwide Tough Mudder event. Personal trainer and mother of four, Ann Moroney, says they are training as a team every week, as well as their own individual sessions. “Some of us train 8 sessions each week,” says Ann.

It sounds like they’ll need it. Founded in 2010, Tough Mudder is the fastest growing and most recognized endurance series. Unlike other traditional endurance events or mud runs, Tough Mudder events are constructed by British Special Forces to offer a 16+ kilometre trail running experience like no other.

The 25+ obstacles may include the artic enema, boa constrictor, dirty ballerina, electric eel, Everest, Kiss of Mud and firewalker. Sounds daunting?

Ann says she has done nothing like it before. Rebecca heard about it from a friend and it wasn’t long after that they all signed up. “The obstacle course is the main appeal” says Ann, “it is such a hard, long endurance event challenge.”

The team focus was also attractive. “It will take a couple of hours depending on fitness levels. You stick with your team and help each other through to the finish together.”

It sounds like their will be a lot of other Tough Mudders attending. Normally women make up 24% of the participants, but Ann tells us this event will host around 50% women, “The biggest entry in any of these kind of events.”

“It’s good to have that goal to work towards, and put our hard work to the test. Some of the other members actually seeing the results, some telling me ‘Look I’ve got a bicep!’ Tough Mudder is something for us to strive for.”

And on Mother’s Day? Ann says she’ll enjoy brekky in bed and “whatever the kids bring home from school”. With eleven children between them, these four “Tough Mudders” should rake in the goods.

These ladies are joined by locals Andy White, Andrew Kingsley, Tiana Elms, Nigel Worthington, Kirsten Porter and Kosta Ladas, (more team members and their kids are pictured on our Rainbow Beach Community News website).

Tough Mudder Facts (from http://toughmudder.com) :

  • 78%: Average percentage of participants who finish a Tough Mudder
  • 80%: Percentage of participants who do Tough Mudder as part of a team
  • 1,000 +: Number of people who have the Tough Mudder logo permanently tattooed on their body
  • 3.5 Hours: Average time it takes to finish a Tough Mudder course
  • 10 to 12 Miles: Length of a Tough Mudder course
  • 25 to 30 Obstacles: Number of obstacles on each Tough Mudder course


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                                                                                                                         Tough Mudders: Marni Robertson, Rebecca Duggan, Dee White and Ann Moroney with man of the Tough Mudder kids

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Marni, Tiana, Bec, Dee, Ann and Nigel and four others are up for the challenge of Tough Mudder

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