Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Report May 2020
These are difficult times, and the recent announcements from the Prime Minister and Chief Medical Officer have led the Executive Committee to announce the suspension of all Tin Can Bay Fishing Club activities, meetings and social gatherings. The annual and monthly competitions have also been suspended.
We should, however, do our best to keep life as normal as possible, whilst maintaining faithfully, the Federal and State Government’s social mandates and recommendations.
This pandemic is serious, and we trust all will take the government’s message seriously, (regardless of your political views) about social distancing.
Sensible behaviour must be the order of the day, although some still do not get it. Hoarding and panic buying is just NOT sensible, and is in fact damaging to the vulnerable in your community. Let’s be sensible and look out for our friends and community.
Several locals, plus Fishing Club members, joined forces for Clean-Up Australia Day 2020. The clean-up was undertaken along the foreshore from Norman Point to Crab Creek, plus the main road down beyond Rifle Range Road to the Tin Can Bay Road, Cooloola Cove turnoff.
It resulted in a wide range of items being collected, taking up one well loaded high-sided trailer. plus one well stacked ute. Items included several folding chairs in the bush around the Crab Creek area plus a badly damaged fibreglass dinghy.
Our thanks go out to Gympie Regional Council for allowing us to dump fee free, plus they provided water for the participants and the sausages for the lunch time sausage sizzle, held for the team of volunteers at the great new double undercover BBQ facility, recently constructed at the Norman Point Playground area.
Gympie Council also provided sufficient heavy duty collection bags.Thanks also to Elli Webb, Waste Education Coordinator for Gympie Regional Council for again organising Council support for this annual event.
Finally, a big thank you has to go out to the majority of our residents and visitors to our area. This year was the best year that anyone can remember in relation to the actual volume of rubbish collected. There was a lot less rubbish evident than collected in previous years although it is obvious that there are still a few grubs around.
It would also be great if our Division 1 Councillor could get Council to arrange for several community service persons to do a roadside clean-up prior to the slashers going through, as the slashing of roadside rubbish makes the problem 10 times worse.
For any information in relation to membership or just general information please contact the Secretary:
M: 0437 242-171. Email: tcbfishingclub@bigpond.com