See What We’re Producing at the Men’s Shed!

One of the products available for sale from the Men’s Shed is Fernando’s life size Dachshund planter box
So this month we’re going to boast about our talented members and the marvellous projects coming to life at ‘The Shed’.
It really has been a whirlwind of activity with many and varied projects on the go – fanciful projects like Fernando’s life-size Dachshund planter box, Paul’s unique and irregular wooden bowl and Keith’s wonderfully carved wooden turtle, to name a few.
And whilst this has been happening inside The Shed, work has been in full swing outside as well, with reorganising shed materials and a clean up of the surrounding bushland to create a safer and more visually attractive outside environment.
But by far the most exciting news this month is that mains power is now connected, providing better security and a quieter and more constant supply of energy and light for members to work with.
This really has been a huge achievement in the history of The Shed and special thanks must go to the electricians,Yvonne and Rudi Semelbauer; our trench digger Peter Davies; our president Rob Jones and our secretary Raewyn Oliver, for their tireless (and tedious) efforts in attaining this outcome.
The Shed’s future is looking strong and positive with memberships increasing, realistic plans in place and a great feeling of friendship, light heartedness and co-operation in the air.
So if any of this appeals to you, whether you’re young/old, male/female, able bodied or not, feel free to come along, say hello and have a chat any weekday morning and some afternoons too.
Also, our Shed Shop will be open to coincide with Tin Can Bay market days (i.e., the third Saturday of the month) selling handcrafted goods, restored furniture pieces, bric-a-brac, etc., so watch out for the signage at The Complex and pop in to pick up a bargain.
Our regular classes for November are:
- Lathe Classes – every Monday, Wednesday, Friday AM. Contact Paul Oliver 0427 995 512.
- Scroll Saw Classes – every Tuesday and Thursday AM. Contact Bryan Phillips 0420 299 651.
- Chess Group – Friday AM. Contact Carole 0437 880 438.
- Computer/IT/Phone Classes – every Thursday PM. Contact Paul Boulton 0437 007 911.
- General Meeting – Saturday, 14 at 10am, all welcome.
- Phoenix Program – Monday, 16. Contact Joy 0455 629 232.
Special Events in November:
- Official Electrical Switch-On / Christmas Party – Wednesday, 18, members only.
- Remembrance Day / Origin Football Night – Wednesday, 11, members only.
- Shed Shop Sale Day – Saturday, 21 from 8am – 12 noon.
Find the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed (TCBCAMS) in the Cityfarm/Community Complex area, Tin Can Bay. Please direct your enquiries to Shed Manager, Bryan Phillips on 0420 299 651.