Rainbow Beach State School leads the way
Principal, Dan Stanieg
Last month, Elli from Gympie Regional Council and Ivan from National Parks visited our school to participate in our Clean Up Australia Day. They discussed the effects of litter on our environment and the ways we can help minimise this litter.
Elli carries around a bottle as big as a honey jar that carries her non-recyclable rubbish for one year. It is a great effort and blows my mind every time I see it. After the discussion, the whole school participated in cleaning around our school.
I was surprised by the amount of rubbish we collected and the unusual objects that made their way back to school, including a rusty car radiator. Some students made the connection that the rubbish being dumped maybe due to the fees at the Refuse Centre.
Year 6 students participated in a Leadership Camp at Tallebudgera on the Gold Coast. Our students left their familiar surroundings behind and embarked on a journey, where they were challenged and participated in new experiences.
Our Gympie Alliance schools participated in a fundraiser for the flood victims in North Queensland. Rainbow Beach State School’s Free Dress Day raised over a $100 and contributed to a total of over $5000 raised by schools across the Gympie Region. A great effort.
Thank you for your continued support.