Rainbow Beach Community Centre Hall Turns Ten!

From the RBCN archives: (Then) Mayor Cr Ron Dyne and Sandy Brosnan, (then) President of the Rainbow Beach Community Hall Association Inc, cutting the cake to open the Community Hall on 24 February 2012
Friday 24 February 2012 at 11am marked the official opening of the Rainbow Beach Community Hall and Library.
For the past 10 years the Community Information Resource Services Incorporated Associated has been the manager of the building with the exclusion of the Library. The Association is older though, as it was formed in late 1999.
During these past years the volunteers have been adapting to the new role of being the Rainbow Beach Community Centre which has become the trading name of the not-for-profit Association.
We have embraced a new way to operate through the office, yes with some bumps but always very resilient.
The main office gives internet access, cheap second hand books, fax, information and resources, and manages the bookings for the hire of three spaces (Conference Room, Back Office, Hall).
As you can imagine behind the scenes there is a lot of cleaning, property maintenance, restocking of office, kitchen, stage equipment.
Remotely the Management Committee carries on several projects that aim to strengthen the Community cohesion, Resilience, Cultural Belonging, Arts and Music expression.
We have reconfirmed the yearly recurrent events such as the Rainbow Beach Spring Fest in September, Festival of Small Halls (usually November), Santa Comes to Rainbow in December, the monthly Markets every second Saturday with live music, and the popular Community Catch Up on the 4th Friday of each month.
We have embraced the responsibility of being also one of the Evacuation Centres of the area, we started the training process last October and we work closely with Council and the Cooloola Coast Local Disaster Management SubGroup.
I don’t know about you, but I am very proud of what we have achieved together and I look forward to the harvest yet to come from all the seeds we have been planting.
The biggest thank you goes to the amazing locals that pushed and fought for decades to have a Community Hall in our town.
If you feel like supporting your Community Association, Membership is only $5 a year.
Stay safe, hopefully I will see you there very soon.
Elisa Seul, President