Quiet but productive month for QCWA

Well like all our members and our community it was a very quiet month, unable to have any craft mornings or hoy.

However, it was very productive to stay at home with members making Trauma Teddies, owls, squares for rugs, and even beanies have started to appear for winter. We are now making poppies for Anzac Day – so far we have over 150 to be distributed.

2022 is QCWA’s 100th year, with 11 August being QCWA’s birthday and we have started planning a community party.

A challenge for QCWA Queensland was to cover the MCG with 10-inch knitted squares which will then be made into blankets. Members and friends have made 200 so far, great knitting thank you.

Good news, we will be opening up in March to members and the community, we all need our regular events and meetings, but of course we still must follow government guidelines. HOORAY AT LAST.


Craft – Morning Tea – 2 and 9 March 10am – CWA Hall, 18 Whiting Street.

Hoy – Easter Theme Prize For Best Easter Hat – 16 March – Cooloola Bowls Club

All enquiries please contact QCWA President Wendy Ritchie 0412 547 043

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