QCWA Share Country Kitchens Joy

Tin Can Bay school students receiving gardening advice during the Country Kitchens ‘Sit Less Move More’ activity
Twenty-six children of the Rainbow Beach Learning Community took part in learning how to make mini muffin pizzas with QCWA Country Kitchens Branch Facilitator, Gabriella.
The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity because they each made their own pizzas, with their own choice of toppings. Since this is such a simple recipe, children can easily make these pizzas at home with some supervision.
The children also took part in two more activities, one of which was learning to recognise the difference between ‘Sometimes Foods’ and ‘Everyday Foods,’ and the other was dragon fruit painting which was quite a popular activity. They were all given a certificate for ‘Making An Awesome Mini Pizza’.
The children were fascinated with the Country Kitchens display, especially with finding out about how much sugar there is in many drinks. Did you know that there are almost 17 teaspoons of sugar in a 600 mL bottle of Coca Cola?
In May we combined our monthly Hoy event with the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea. Thank you very much to all who came along, for wearing yellow and blue, and for your generous donations in support of this very worthy cause.
July’s Hoy has been cancelled as the Bowls Club was pre-booked for Medical Transport’s Christmas in July event. Hoy will resume on Wednesday 16 August.
Our members had fun with the children at the Tin Can Bay P-10 State School’s Under Eights Fun Day. At our stall the children were able to take part in star fruit painting, bean bag tossing, and guessing the weight of the rockmelon.
Aleks, our QCWA Country Kitchens Buddy from Brisbane, with assistance from Wendy and Gabriella held a Country Kitchens Hands on Nutrition Workshop focusing on how to Health-a-Size a recipe. Eleven branch members took part in the workshop which was held at our Meeting Room in Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.
While Aleks spoke about how to modify recipes to make them healthier, we all sampled the rainbow frittata muffins she had prepared for us earlier. Two groups of ladies each made a chicken stir fry, another group the ‘Light and Crunchy Coleslaw’ and another group the ‘Stove Top Apple and Pear Crumble’.
Then came the fun part, we all got to eat a lovely lunch.
We have completed the last of the five QCWA Country Kitchens Back to Basic Cooking series of workshops with the students of the Tin Can Bay P-10 State School. For the Country Kitchens message ‘Sit Less, Move More’, we had the students planting pineapples and chillies in the school garden.
At the end of the workshop, the Principal Daman, Trish the teacher, and her assistants were given a certificate of thanks for their support. The students were given a certificate of participation and a goodie bag.
We are looking forward to working with you all again next term.
In early June, branch members got together to plant two fruit trees at our cottage in Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay. The QCWA is still celebrating its centenary and branches all across Queensland are encouraged to plant trees in recognition of this milestone.
10am, Tuesday 18 July 2023 at 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.
Craft and Coffee: 1st and 2nd Wednesday of the month, 10am to Noon. 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.
General Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month, 9.30am. 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay.
Hoy: Cooloola Coast Bowls Club, 4 Amity Place, Tin Can Bay. Next Hoy 16 August 2023, 9.30am for a 10am start.
All enquiries to Wendy 0412 547 043 or Judy 0402 769 392.
Gabriella Field