Leave No Trace

Beautiful Inskip. Let’s all do our part to minimise our impact on our picturesque region.

Beautiful Inskip. Let’s all do our part to minimise our impact on our picturesque region.

Di Bowman, Community Engagement Ranger, Department of Environment and Science (DES)

The picturesque coastal landscapes of the Cooloola and Inskip Recreation Areas attract many people from all corners of the country and as we welcome the warmer weather, more and more people will flock to our shores. Here are some useful tips to help minimise the impact to the environment during your stay:

  • Plan ahead and prepare
      • Research the park you plan to visit
      • Read the park’s web page or brochure to find out about location, weather conditions, and possible activities then discuss with your travel group.
      • Choose an appropriate park and activity for your group and allow plenty of time to travel and camp.
  • Travel and camp on durable surfaces   
      • Keep to the walking tracks and camp in designated camping areas to help prevent trampling young seedlings, compacting fragile soils and destroying habitats and causing erosion.
  • Dispose of waste properly
      • Pack it in, pack it out.
      • Plan your meals to reduce food packaging.  The less packaging you bring in with you, the less rubbish you have to carry out.
      • Inspect your campsite and day-use area for rubbish (including micro-rubbish) or spilled foods before you leave.
  • Leave what you find
      • Leave natural areas natural, as you found them, for others to discover and enjoy after you.
      • Never collect rocks, leaves, shells, feathers, fossils, or plants.
      • Avoid disturbing or touching cultural sites such as rock art or middens as they are protected too.
      • Leave what you find, as you found it.
  • Minimise campfire impacts
      • Build your campfire only where permitted (note that fires are prohibited on Teewah Beach).
      • Even small impacts from campfires can affect the natural appearance of camping and day-use areas.
      • Where fire is permitted, always bring your own clean-milled firewood.  Never collect wood or kindling from the surrounding area – everything in the park is protected.
  • Respect wildlife
      • Avoid feeding or disturbing wildlife. Parks and forests provide a refuge for animals that are threatened by habitat loss, invasive species and pollution. Respect wildlife to help in their protection, rather than add to their survival challenges.
      • Secure your food and pack away all food scraps to make sure you’re not providing wildlife with a free meal.
      • When moving through their habitat or taking photographs, stay on roads and tracks to avoid disturbing or damaging their habitat.  Be respectful guests!
  • Be considerate of your hosts and other visitors
    • When you visit a park or forest you are also visiting Country that has significance for the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land.  Respect their wishes, stay safe, and follow any directions on signage in the park.
    • We also share natural places with other visitors, who may have similar or very different recreational needs from our own.  This is why areas within parks and forests have been set aside for different recreational uses.  Always respect other visitors and follow “outdoor etiquette” so that your behaviour doesn’t affect others’ enjoyment of nature.

And remember, all Queensland road rules apply so please observe the speed limits and drive safely. Please report any anti-social behaviour to Police Link on 131 666 or online https://forms.police.qld.gov.au/launch/Hooning

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