Fishwatch hotline
Report illegal fishing in Queensland:
- call the 24-hour Fishwatch hotline on 1800 017 116 (toll free within Queensland)
- submit a form online at – you can remain anonymous when completing this form OR you can include your contact details so investigating officers can contact you for further information if needed.
The Fishwatch hotline allows the public to report suspected illegal fishing directly to the Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol, such as:
- illegal use of nets
- fishing in closed waters or during closed seasons
- taking female crabs
- taking undersize fish or exceeding possession limits
- exceeding crab pot/dilly limits
- destruction or disturbance of marine habitat
- interfering with other people’s crab pots/dillies or other fishing gear
- taking oysters from licensed oyster grounds.
If you suspect someone is fishing illegally, please provide as much of the following information as possible:
- date, time and area where it took place
- registration numbers and a description of any vehicles or boats involved
- details of the person or people involved (if known)
- an accurate description of the activity (e.g. setting large numbers of crab pots, netting the local creek on low tides).
More information:
- Recreational fishing rules – go to
- General fisheries enquiries – call 13 25 23