Come and join the Dragons

Cooloola Dragon Boat’s Head Coach, Sandra Wooster, presents Coach’s award trophy to Assistant Coach, Helen Hurworth
The Dragons year has certainly been very different for 2020 with no paddling for about three months and no competing at regattas.
We have been very blessed living in this great region to have been back on the water for the past three months while maintaining our Covid plan.
Paddling and training Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning has meant that we are able to maintain our fitness levels.
The club celebrated the end of the Dragon season with a very enjoyable gathering at Chris and Sandy Wooster’s Wallu home.
We had lots of fun and camaraderie, as well as voting in our new executive committee for 2020/2021.
Pam Gorrie is our new president; vice president is Kerrie Southern; Elaine Dimmock remains our long serving secretary and Sandra Binnie is our new treasurer.
Helen Hurworth was presented with the coach’s award by Head Coach Sandy Wooster, for great service to the club by very ably stepping into the role of assistant coach this year.
While we have lost three members for various reasons this year, we have welcomed four new ones!
We love welcoming new members, so anyone out there who would like to come and try out in the Dragon Boat please just show up Thursday afternoon or Sunday morning. You will be most welcome.
For more info re time and place etc., please phone Sandy 0402 352756.