Christmas message from the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed

One of the planned wooden projects for the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed

One of the planned wooden projects for the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed

Merry Christmas from ‘The Shed’ to the local businesses and individuals who have kindly supported and donated to us through 2019. It has been a difficult year, but all the hard work by the team has got us very close to completing the shed.

An important part of The Shed’s fundraising is our efforts for the ‘container for change’ program. Your support would be greatly appreciated by dropping off bagged eligible containers at the front of the shed (near the sign).

As The Shed approaches being operational, additional management positions are being sought. An assistant treasurer to provide treasurer/bookkeeping support in the new year; and the position of Welfare Officer (asap), such that The Shed’s planning for men’s health and wellbeing programs can be prepared ready for operating.

For details regarding these positions please call Paul Boulton on 0437 007 911 or Graham Langdown on 0433 062 906.

The Shed’s next General Meeting is on Saturday December 14 at 9am at The Shed. All welcome.

Contact Bryan Phillips on 0420 299 651 for general shed matters.

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