Badge ceremony for Tin Can Bay P-10 School
Students, staff, parents and invited guests attended a special assembly to acknowledge our student leaders.
Principal, Desley Kirby, told the school community, “There was a rigorous application process, and the leaders were voted by students and staff. I know you will be excellent role models and ambassadors for the school and I commend you for accepting your leadership positions.
“Young people live up to our expectations of them, good or bad. You have an opportunity here today; we firmly believe you have the capacity to be successful leaders.”
Congratulations to:
School Captains | |
Senior Captain | Drew Holt |
Senior Vice-Captain | Kyani Parton |
Junior Captains | Chloe Leat, Lucy Hunter |
Junior Vice-Captains | Darci Latimore, Lily Muggleton |
Sports Captains | |
Senior Captain – Tuncun | Drew Holt |
Senior Vice-Caption – Tuncun | Brianna Truss |
Wallu | Caleb Chapple-Taylor |
Junior Captain – Tuncun | Jayden Lee |
Carlo | Bohdi Daltrey |
Wallu | Oliver Ozanne |
Junior Vice-Captain – Tuncun | Georgia McKinley |
Carlo | Phoenix Parslow |
Wallu | Stephanie Kretschmer |
Senior Leaders | Jayden Latimore |
Jethro Abraham | Kayla Metropoulos |
Georgia Bogodoohoff | Kayla Tonna |
Paul Dean | Cody Uzal |
Decemie Gabales | Kyani Parton |
Drew Holt | Tristyn |
Running club has commenced. Students in years 4-6 will run on Tuesday mornings from 7.50am-8.10am. The junior students, P-3s will run the junior course on Thursday mornings from 7.50am-8.10am. Any students are allowed to participate.
Also, for the next four weeks we welcome Ben Fitzpatrick, Gympie’s Regional Coaching Director. He is going to run a Basic Skills Program for the year 2 and 3 classes on Thursdays during their HPE lessons. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to learn new skills.
Congratulations to Caylan who made it into the Wide Bay Team for Softball. Well done and good luck! Any other students who are 10-12 years old and interested in trying out for a district team, come and see Miss Sauer this week so you can be nominated for your chosen sport. We have already had a great response.
Sandflies/Mosquitos – We have been experiencing quite a lot of these little fellows at school first thing in the morning. It would be very much appreciated if parents could apply insect repellent to their children before arriving at school. That way your children are not distressed, irritated and uncomfortable before heading into class. Your co-operation with this is greatly appreciated.
Tin CanTeen News
Our P&C Association operates the school’s tuckshop which is open from 7.15am to 2.15pm Tuesday and Wednesdays, with the help of our tuckshop convenor, Krys McKinley.
The Smart Choices guidelines requires that schools offer students a range of healthy food and drinks, consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
The system is colour-coded similar to traffic lights to easily identify the healthier choices. GREEN is the healthiest food and drink category based on the basic five food groups.
Followed by AMBER food and drinks, which should be eaten in moderation. Items in this category still contain nutritional value, however have some sugar, salt or fat added to them.
RED category items are an occasional food or drink choice and lack adequate nutritional value. Tin Can Bay’s tuckshop does not have any red items on our menu.
Breakfast Club
It can be quite a challenge to get your children dressed, fed and out the door in time to catch the bus every morning, so on 7.30-8.15am, Tuesdays and Thursdays, please take advantage of having the food side of things taken care of.
We receive donations of food and finance from local businesses and individuals and in the colder months will provide a hot dish as well as the usual cereal, toast, fresh fruit, milo and fruit juice.
Our team of fantastic volunteers is made up of local church members and ladies from the TCB Lioness Club.