Attend Cultural Awareness Training – locally
Cooloola Coastcare acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country on which we live and work and their ongoing connection to land and sea country in the Cooloola region.
Recent Native Title determinations confirm that Rainbow Beach is located on Butchulla country and that Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove are part of Kabi Kabi country.
To understand what this means for our projects, Coastcare is offering members and guests an opportunity to learn more about our own First Nations people, their cultures and the ways they care for the Cooloola Coast.
On May 22, Cooloola Coastcare will host a three-hour cultural awareness workshop from 1pm to 4pm at the Rainbow Beach Community Hall.
The workshop will be run by Butchulla community education trainer Jade Gould, for Coastcare members and guests. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents of Cooloola Coast are most welcome to attend.
Coastcare members will also be offered an online cultural training experience with Tribal Link, an indigenous business run by Kabi Kabi Native Title claimants.
Members can train online at home or at a face-to-face workshop on Saturday June 5 at the Cooloola Cove Vietnam Vets Hall.
Find out more: or register with Fiona Hawthorne on 0423 344 316.
These opportunities are funded by a Gympie Regional Council Community Grant.