Probus Members Reunite

Members are very happy to be back at meetings although many have had contact during the summer break. We are an older group, being all retirees or semi-retired persons but, as the Welfare Office commented, we are all ticking along.

Plans are being made for activities this coming year, be they nearby or a bit more distant involving a night or two away. In early March the new committee will be elected at the AGM and a changeover luncheon held in late March at the Tin Can Bay Country Club.

Members attended a gathering of the Wide Bay clubs in February and that was another chance to renew friendships and make new friends.

You may have somewhere you’d like to visit, but want to go with someone. Come along and share your ideas.

Meetings are held on each second Monday of the month at 2pm at the Sandcastle Motel in Tin Can Bay and include a Guest Speaker

Delightful Della off to a Probus meeting

Delightful Della off to a Probus meeting

with a break for afternoon tea and a chat. For more details please contact our President Cherryl on M: 0409 044 100 or Secretary Katrina at

Katrina van den Brenk

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