Anglers club for Rainbow
It’s with great pleasure that Gardiner Fisheries announce that we will once again have a Rainbow Beach Fishing Club ?
It’s been 10-15yrs since the original club operated and now, after many requests, Rainbow Beach Amateur Anglers ( RBAA ) is nearing completion to launch.
Inshore, Offshore and Surf categories: multiple divisions from veteran to juniors and a fish-friendly points system will offer heaps of fun for members.
Catering for anglers of all skill levels, members can compete monthly for prizes and points. Points will be accrued towards the annual club championship, trophies and prizes.
A great way to have fun, socialise, learn new skills and participate in a healthy competition in amazing Rainbow Beach.
For those interested we will be holding our inaugural meeting at the Deck @ Sea Salt on Thursday March 4 to select committee members and brief/ discuss the club’s format. Time of meeting to be advised.
If you would like to be involved as a member or in a committee role please contact 0404853232 for more information.