What’s On at the Flower Show…

Ambulance Report by Judy Cantrell

Don’t forget the date – 19th October 2013, and do come and view all the flowers, arrangements and stalls, and maybe attend one of our numerous and popular workshops, including Photography of flowers and use of various lenses, Floral arrangement, Propagation of orchids, Care of Bromeliads, Photography Help Desk and Care of Geraniums/Pelargoniums.                     

Times and Places will be on display within the hall, and will be announced throughout the day.

Our Guest speakers for the day will be Amy Gosley (Environmental Planning Officer) and Samantha Coyle (Lands Protection Officer).  These lovely ladies will be discussing the identification and control of endemic weeds in the local area – Cat’s Claw, Rat Tail Grass, Bitou Bush etc.  This should be most interesting and informative.  There will also be pamphlets showing local pests of the floral kind.

Don’t forget, entries for the show must be completed and at the Community Centre prior to 5pm Friday 18th October 2013, ready for judging and display.  This information is all listed on the entry forms.  Hopefully we will have some decent rainfall prior to the Show to give all the gardens a real boost.

Entry forms are now readily available so everyone can see what categories to enter.  Also, if anyone who attends has some ideas which could be taken on board, please don’t hesitate to discuss these with one of the LAC members on duty at the show.  We appreciate all interest.

Raffles, including the money tree, will also be run and there will be stalls with items for sale.  Morning and afternoon teas will also be available at a nominal price.

Welcome to our new Acting OIC for the rest of the year, Brian Lehane.  I am certain we can all show Brian what a wonderful community this area has and make him feel welcome.

Hope to see you at the Flower Show and best of luck everyone. 


flower show oct 13 (Medium)

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