Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Update August 2023

Mid-month winners Selwyn Potter and Ron Cox with club president Alan Rippon

Mid-month winners Selwyn Potter and Ron Cox with club president Alan Rippon

We had a busy July with several competition events being run during the month, and unfortunately we had to again cancel our kayak event for the second month in a row due to poor weather.

The winner of our June competition was announced at our monthly BBQ at our clubrooms on Saturday 1 July where Jim George won (for the second month in a row!) with a 105cm jewfish knocking Debbie George’s 95cm jewfish out of contention (all has now been forgiven, I think).

At the time of writing our Big Squid Week competition was underway and so far there have been a few caught. Members submit their best 4 squid caught during the week with the competition based on length when measured on a brag mat; entries are submitted as photos to our Weigh Master.

On the social front we hosted River Heads Fishing Club at our clubrooms, where we put on a BBQ for around 50 members of both clubs in our outside BBQ shelter area – a great time was had by all.

As indicated above I wrote this before the end of July so our beach fishing competition at The Oaks, Rainbow Beach is yet to be held. We will be fishing either side of the low tide and then holding a happy hour on the beach after the event with cheeses, homemade nibbles, and a few refreshments – we hope to continue with this practice for future competitions.


Alan Rippon

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