3 Great Reasons to join TCBCAMS
Firstly, from 1 July 2022 membership is now reduced a mere $30 for the remainder of the year – that’s less than $1.20 a week – great value to belong and participate in a friendly and worthwhile organisation!
Secondly, a full member vote last month decided to continue offering Men Only days on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week with mixed days occurring each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. So now, men have the choice as to how and when they participate.
And thirdly, we have lifted the mandatory vaccination rule! So we’re now open to ALL regardless of your vaccination status.
Three great reasons to come along and see what we’re about. We’re open every weekday between 9am and 12pm so pop in and say hello. New faces always welcome.
And don’t forget our Shed Shop Sale Days – next one is Saturday 16 July. We sell our handmade gifts/household items, knick-knacks and other wonderful things so please come along to see what we have in store.