Tin Can Bay FIshing Club News- June, 2022

Cast net demonstration by John Blackman to fellow club members at a recent training day

Cast net demonstration by John Blackman to fellow club members at a recent training day

Welcome to June, don’t forget to get your tax return in at the end of the month – new fishing gear is not cheap!

It’s finally here! The Club is pleased to announce that we have set the dates for our annual Free Kids Fishing Days – Saturday 25 June and Sunday 10 July; the senior event will most likely be held in late July/August.

Entry is free and places are limited to 10 participants per event. Please refer to the details on page 24 of this paper. Every participant receives some great gear, funded by the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, and provided by our sponsor The Chandlery Bait & Tackle.

Now for something new. Club Member Kevin Armstrong has put pen to paper. I think in Kevin’s case it was quill to paper. What follows are his thoughts on catching summer whiting which is based on his many years of fishing experience.

‘It’s often said that big summer whiting are hard to find around Tin Can Bay. Try an evening flood tide across the flats anywhere from Norman Point to Crab Creek. Start in ankle deep water using yabbies or worms which are both great baits and seem to work particularly well on dark nights.

This is a pleasant style of fishing especially during the warmer months. Whiting between 30cm to 40cm have consistently been caught this way and are great fun in shallow water. Fish until the shovel nose sharks or stingrays turn up, unless you’re after a fight.’

On the ‘catching’ front there have been some good catches reported by club members from trips in the bay and Double Island Point.

The beach fishing front has been a bit hit and miss in the bay and around the Inskip Point area – there have been some good catches of dart reported by members, but the whiting have been a bit scarce. We have however heard of some good catches of whiting in the gutters south of Rainbow Beach.

Well that’s it for another month – cheers.

Remember if you have any queries, please feel free to contact us by email tcbfishingclub@bigpond.com or phone us on 0437 242 171.  There’s also our web site and Facebook page if you want to check us out.

Alan Rippon


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